Today I woke up at 9 and stayed in bed till 9:30 ;) I like to stay in bed after waking up, but I would have loved to stayed longer but I had to take a shower and then go and pick up Anna.
We were going to IKEA for some European shopping ;) First we had a quick stop at Wallmart ( a super store where they have everything) cause we've seen this commercial all the time and they are suppose to be really cheap. It was, but it was too much to see so we didn't buy that much.
At IKEA we started with a hot dog, cause it was already lunch time. It was nice and actually a really long time since I had one. Jummie! ;)
It took maybe an hour to go through it and I love IKEA. There were so many stuff I wanted to buy but are just so unnecessary right now. It will just put weight to my luggage when I go home, and I can buy it back in Sweden. But still, I love to go there and imagine my own apartment that I could decorate ;)
But as most of the times when I go there, I bought food ;) Cinnamon rolls (Pagens) Coco nut balls (with fluffy cream inside) Elder flower drink and also some gifts for my Au Pair meeting tomorrow.
After, I went to Anna's place and we played some Guitar Hero and watched some SMOSH videos. Hilarious! ;) But we are stuck now on Guitar Hero cause we have come to a battle that is too hard....aarrgghh, I get so frustrated! ;)
I picked up Lotta and Sofia at the mall cause they took the bus in. Jonas and Filip were skiing so there were not any cars at home. They don't really take the bus that much so Sofia thought it was really fun. Maybe that's something for us to do, that easy amusement can sometime be enough.
I went to Wallgreens to pick up some photos for Sofia and look for some basic stuff I needed, like toothpaste and ribbons for my hair. This is also a store that have a lot so I had to walk through it all to just see it. I like it!
Stendahl's were here for dinner and we had some good lamb steaks with potato gratin, asparagus and mushroom sauce. I like!! Jummie!
Now the kids are soon going to bed but they don't seem tired so we'll see what happens ;) But they have been more quiet that a year ago, and that's all thank to me ;) At least that's what I say ;)
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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