Today I didn't went to the gym cause I had such a terrible muscle ache in my legs so I felt it would be best to rest.
I answered some mail and then I called back home to find out that they have got the tickets for their trip here! Finally. Now they just have to find a good staying here in Kirkland and they want me to help them. I'll try but I think it's hard, there are so many places and U never know what's best. Well, well...I also have to book my own ticket to New York! Oh, I'm so excited!
Me and the kids didn't do so much. Filip did his homework and then we all played Sorry.
As soon as Lotta and Jonas came home I went to the college and my Spanish class. I tried a different way there today, a one without the highway. But I don't think it was shorter cause there were a lot of red lights and traffic. I think it's the same no matter which way I take.
The class was good and I feel like the Spanish that I know comes back more and more. But I can't decide if I want to keep the book after the class or not. Cause I feel like in one way it would be good to have it, so I can look in it later. But also maybe it will also just be in my closet and I'll never open it. Well, I'll see.
When I got home I was starving since I didn't have time for any dinner before I left. Fortunately there were pasta when I got home ;)
Now we are watching the Tudors, the first season. It's good but not so good as LOST ;)
The pictures I attached are one of my two lovely cousins, Noah and Leon, and the Christmas card I got today. A bit late but it definitely lifted my day ;)
The other picture is of a funny butter we have here, I just had to show U ;)
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
Hej!! hur är det med dig? Bra hoppas jag :) Vilka är det som ska komma & hälsa på dig? Familjen eller? :) Det skulle vara skoj att komma & hälsa på hihi. Hoppas du har det bra där borta. Kram kram