Today I've been so tired! I hate this weather, how can it rain so much? Can someone answer that question? When there are so many places in this world that needs water, why must everything be here? It's a weird world we are living in ;)
I went to Yoga for the first time after the holidays, and it was really nice. There is a new instructor and I like her. She is doing more advanced stuff (not that I can do them ;)) but it's more fun when it's challenging and I was really tired after the class.
I went directly to the bank and asked about the money I hadn't got back yet from the dentist thing with Filip, but they said it could take up to 7 business days!!! What the f***! Well, maybe it's good cause then I wont spend the money ;)
I went to the owners, of the apartment where my family will live when they are here, and gave them some of the money. They showed me the place and I think it's perfect. It has one big bedroom that can be split in to two, one big kitchen/living room with a bed sofa. It was really personal and I think that will fit us all much better. The owners were really nice and my mum thought it was good I met them so they know it's serious. And I don't think there will be any problem.
I stopped at Noah's bagel and bought my lunch ;) Then I went home and called my mum and dad to update them on everything. Then I watched a episode of Lost ;) That's all I do now!
I also slept for half an hour before I picked up the kids. Where really exhausted and I think I'll go to bed early today.
The kids were really peacefully today and we played some games and build some models before we once again played Super Mario ;)
Lotta and Jonas brought home pizza that we had in the sofa watching Disney's Mulan. A great movie and I wonder if it's a true story, I mean based on a true story. I asked Lotta and Jonas but they just laugh and said of course it's true. Especially with the talking dragon ;) Well, dah! It was really nice with pizza and popcorn but when the movie was over, I was really surprised that it was only 7. And I who thought it would be OK to go to bed ;) I guess I can watch a new Lost episode ;)
Tomorrow we are going to Snoqualmie for Snowtubing, and I get to meet Emilie's boyfriend! I hope the weather is nice so that we'll have a great time!
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
Ja det var det faktiskt hehe fast jag glömde ta fram mina vindruvor som jag hade köpt, Så dom får jag äta idag i stället. Okej ja just det ja du kan ju kika på tvplay, men synd att det inte fungerar :(
ReplyDeleteMen mulan är ju bra. Å pizza det va länge sen jag åt det, hmm kanske får köpa det i kväll hehe lite sugen blev jag allt :P Jo när åker du hem till sverige igen? Jag ska kika runt lite och se hur mycket det skulle kosta med biljett osv. Ska se om jag har råd hihi :P Kram kram