Today (Saturday) the weather was wonderful. It was like spring, the sun was shining and the birds were singing. A perfect day for skiing! Me, Emilie and Kadda had decided to go this weekend cause it was a while ago since the last time. And when I didn't go yesterday it was perfect.
I went to Kadda's place at 11 and Emilie picked us up there and we went to Snoqualmie, where we all have ski passes.
But as we got closer, the worse the weather was and when we were there, it was really cloudy. Well, well we said, as long as we are able to ski we are happy.
There were a lot of people and cause Emilie and Kadda are renting their snowboard equipment there, and they had not booked it in advance, we had to wait like an hour before we could go in the slopes.
The slopes were awful! I'm not kidding when I say that it was no snow, only ice. Or a better word is ice cubes. It was impossible to go down as normal cause u couldn't really turn only slide on the side. It was not fun and we only went down three times then we said good buy to the slopes and went to check out the snow tubing instead. You remember when I was in Leavenworth and did tubing on the river? This is the same but it's on snow. It's a big slope and you get a rubber tire and then it's just to go up and down and have a good time. Unfortunately, there were o spaces left until 6 pm and so long could we not stay. So instead, we reserved places for next weekend. We are going with Ramona and Emilie's boyfriend who will be here visiting. The best thing was that cause we had ski passes, we only payed $5 instead of $20! It's a big difference and now we are gonna have a great Saturday morning next weekend!
There were not so much more to do then to go home and just relax until we were going again. Today was Nicole's (a new German girl) birthday and she wanted to celebrate at Cheesecake factory and then a club.
I stayed in bed and watched two episodes of Lost. Even if I have plenty of time to get ready, I always have to stress in the end. There are a obstacles that I didn't counted with, like OMG, I can't wear this shirt to the skirt, or I can't have my hair like this!! I was a bit paniced and U could see that when I left cause on my bed were all my clothes and in my bathroom all my make up and hair thing were in a mess ;)
I was the driver for the evening so I first picked up Emile, then Kadda and finally the birthday girl. Ramona was already in Bellevue cause she had been in Seattle before. She had been there already an hour and that was good cause you can't reserve a table at the restaurant, you have to wait in line. It's stupid and I don't know why, but now we didn't have to wait that long since Ramona already had put us on line.
I love this place, the food is amazing and the atmosphere is cool. I ordered their famous meat loaf with mashed potatoes, gravy and green beans. OMG, it was heavenly! I don't get it how there can be so good food ;)
For dessert I got the fresh strawberry cheesecake, jum jum ;) When we got our dessert, Nicole got a birthday plate and a candle in her cake and the waitresses sang with us. There had been like 10 birthdays this evening, so they were a bit tired ;) But it was really nice.
From all of us, Nicole got a hair straightener and a necklace. She was really happy cause she wanted a straightener and it was also pink so she was extra happy ;)
After the restaurant, Nicole wanted to go to an club. We know that it almost no idea cause we haven't found any good here yet, but cause it's her birthday and she hasn't been here that long we took her to Seattle. Emile had looked up some different ones, but we ended up at the Diamond where we have been before. It was so not good. Don't take this wrong, but there were only black American people and they have this certain music and dance stile that we are certainly not use to. The music is only hip hop and they are dancing like they are in their bedroom doing some private stuff if U know what I mean ;)
We were too scared to go on the dance floor, but we went to the second floor and stood there and watched everybody. In the beginning it was fun, but then it was just disgusting. So we went home. Maybe it was not the perfect ending of the night, but Nicole was happy and liked her birthday and that's whats counts.
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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