Sunday, February 28, 2010

A new card and soccer

Since we didn't go to Vancouver today (Sunday) we wanted to do one of Anna's tourist-trail-card that she got for Christmas. She picked one that was on the Marsh Park that is just when U crossed the 520 bridge. Before we went there I had to stay at Anna's place for about an hour cause we needed to wait for Laura and Hanna who weren't really ready. We played Rock Band and it's so much fun! I rocked the drums while Anna was lazy with the guitar ;) I really need to get that when I get back to Sweden, it's awesome!
When Laura arrived we picked up Hanna and then we were on our way. As I said, the park is just after the bridge and it was so cool. We walked on these small bridges that combined some small islands and the water was really close and the view was nice. The Huskies stadium in the background and the mountains on the other side of the lake. There were a lot of canoes and boats enjoying the weather that was amazing. We've been really lucky during the weekends with the weather, it's still good! We also heard that U could see turtles and otters there among the rich bird life, but sadly we didn't see any of that. Just the regular duck and Canada goose. Were unusual ;)
When we had walked the loop, that took maybe an hour or so, we went to the University village and checked out the stores there for a while before we went home.
I needed to be back home before 5:30 cause Jen was picking me up for the soccer game. It was at the same field as last time, in Seattle and we played team Twanda who were good. In halftime it was 0-0 and it was a really tough game, but we should have had a lead cause we were pressing so hard on their side and had the ball almost all of the time in the end.
In second half I was got the sweeper position and that's when it went wrong ;) They came on our left side and I was in the middle. Al (who was the keeper) ran out to stop the girl with the ball but she shoots the ball beside her against the goal. Fortunately, it wasn't hard so I manage to catch up with it before it came to the goal. Good, that we all. Sandra saved us! But no, when I was gonna clear it, I shot it right on their player who was running against the goal and it bounce on her in the net! Can U believe it! How hard can it be to just put away a ball? OMG, I felt so bad and I hated to be stuck in D cause I wanted to make up my mistake by a goal. Jen switched with me for a while, but it wasn't enough.
Fortunately we scored once as well so the game ended a tie, but we could have won if I hadn't screwed it up. Bummer!
Early in the game, I got stamped on my toes and now it's all blue and sore. I don't think it's broken cause I can move it, but I'll see how it feels tomorrow.
Now, I'm watching the closing ceremony from Vancouver and just had a Donut from Krispy Creme where the family had stopped after a day skiing in Snoqualmie. And I have a few more that I can enjoy during the week ;)

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

(I put on some pictures later)

Seattle and game night

Today (Saturday) I woke up of the kids being up screaming on their parents for breakfast. They also came and knocked on my door but there they had no luck. I was just screaming back that I was sleeping ;) Maybe not the best way but I was not working ;)
I took a nice shower cause I went to bed all sweaty since I didn't wanna wake everyone up after the soccer yesterday.
Hanna texted me and asked if I wanted to do anything and we decided to go in to Seattle to just "look" and walk around. Of course we were shopping, just a little ;) I bought a nice t-shirt at H&M that is a bit longer and white and black stripes, a "Fräsch rand" as Jennie would have said ;)
U also bought the cutest panties at American Eagle Outfitters, it was so bright and nice colours that I couldn't resist ;) And I actually needed some new underwear so that was good.
We took the bus back home when we were satisfied but we decided to have a little gathering at her place later that evening cause she was home alone for the weekend.
Back home, I organised with people who wanted to join while I was on my computer.
Stendahl's came here, as usual, and the kids were crazy in the stairs ;) They put all the pillows they could find and lay them in a pile and then just jumped. Hahah...nothing for the weak persons ;)
Katherine picked me up and we went to Hanna's place were the others already were. There was Anna, Ramona, 3 other German au pairs, Hanna, me and Katherine. We all had brought some kind of sweets so we had A LOT. There were chips, popcorn, candy, Vegan cupcakes ;), Champagne, beer and of course ice cream ;)
We started with a game called Cranium which is a board game where U must pass different tasks to move on. There are four different categories. One is creative where U must draw or make a model out of clay. Another is about word and can be like puzzles or spell a word backwards. There is one like charades and the last one is pure knowledge. It's really fun and we were in teams and of course my team won! It was me, Anna and one of the other Germans.
We played another game that was called Apple to Apple which was about finding a synonymous word to a main word. It was also really fun and sometimes the synonymous were hilarious. I won that one too, not a surprise ;)
It was a really nice evening with a lot of laughter and sweets ;) But we also got some bad news. We have been planning to go to Vancouver tomorrow (Sunday) and Anna was supposed to drive but the brakes on her car are not perfect and her host dad didn't want her to take it that far. And the SAAB has problem with the battery so we thought it was too risky and the other girls are not allowed to take their cars.
We checked the buses and the train again but it's just too expensive and we can only stay there for about 5 hours so it was not worth it. It sucks so much cause we were really looking forward to it. But we decided that we would go some other weekend to Vancouver and that we'll meet in London 2012! That would actually be so cool. Like a Au Pair reunion ;)
Me and Katherine left kind of early cause she needed to be at the stable, where she's helping take care of the horses, at 6:30 AM!!! tomorrow. She dropped me off and the adults were playing WII but I didn't wanna be social so I went upstairs and decided that I wanted to start collecting the quarters from all the states ;) So I went through my piggy bank and wrote all that I had on a paper. I think I had maybe 6 or 7 and I need 51 ;) I hope I have enough time and I need to pay more with cash now so that I get some change back ;)
I also red a chapter in Breaking Dawn before I went to sleep!

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

Indoor soccer

Today (Friday) I didn't have time to go to the Yoga class at the gym cause Filip was celebrating his half birthday at school and I needed to bring cupcakes to his class. So after leaving the kids, I drove to QFC to get the cupcakes and also some snacks to have for the adventures of the weekend.
I brought Filip the cupcakes and he was happy and that made me happy ;) I went back home and watched one episode of lost and one of desperate housewives while I had lunch. It was nice, I didn't have something I needed to do I just relaxed and felt good about myself ;)
I went kind of early to Agnes school cause I wanted to get out of the house (even though it was raining!!) but I wanted to read my book and I always do that in the car while I'm waiting ;)
Me and the kids didn't do any special, just some games and colouring before I started with the dinner: pork fillet, mashed potatoes, asparagus and a cream sauce...mmm delicious ;)
Tonight, I was gonna join Katherine (a Danish au pair) for the indoor soccer at Arena Sports where I've been once before. Unfortunately, she couldn't make it and first I was thinking of not going but then I thought why not? I just gonna play soccer, something I know and I wanna meet people so let's go for it. And so I did.
It started at 9 pm and I went there and registered and then I met my team a couple of minutes before we started. I was on the blue team and I was the only girl ;)
My teammates were really nice and we had a dad in the goal and he was really good but he got a hard shot in his face once and it looked really bad. But he came back, pissed, but OK ;) We played good and we won one game but lost the other two, but only with one goal I think. It was so much fun and it's a good way to impress the guys ;) After the first game they were like: "Hey, you are good!" ehh...U too ;) I'm so gonna go more often now but then I need to buy some real indoor shoes cause I played in my running shoes. Felt like a beginner ;)
I think that it's a bit late this session, 9-11 pm, but there is also a session starting after our. From 11-1!! I can't understand how people have the energy! But I really like the place and the idea of it all so I'll look up how to be a member!

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

Friday, February 26, 2010

Tennis, new shoes and Grey's

Today (Thursday) the sun was out again! Jippie! And when I was almost on my way to the gym, I got a text from Anna asking if we should play tennis. I felt that it was a nice idea to improve our tennis skills ;)
We went to Medina park and it took like 30 minutes until we gave up. How hard can it be? In the beginning we are so excited but in the end we hate the game. We need to bring Hanna who apparently has played for like 5 years or sth. Maybe she can teach us some tricks, if it's possible ;)
Afterwards, Anna wanted to go to Factoria mall so I joined her. We just stopped at her and my place to change and then I needed to fill up with some gas but then we were good to go.
Anna had a list of stuff that she needed, and on top of that: Sims 3 ;) I wonder when she will have time to play it? ;)
I found a pair of new shoes!! It was Reebok sneakers in white and pink ;) Just $15 so I thought it was ok to buy them, and it was a while since I bought my last pair of shoes ;) It was about time!
It was a nice morning, it's too bad that U need to go back home to work on such a beautiful day. But we are the best au pairs so of course we are not letting our kids down ;)
For lunch today I had the leftovers from yesterday's Thai food that Lotta and the kids had for dinner, and it was still really good ;)
Filip had a lot of homework to do today, so he sat most of the time with them. Meanwhile, me and Sofia played beauty shop and then we went outside to ride the bikes and the skateboard. It was so nice that the sun was back and we were out for a long time.
Me, the kids and Jonas went out for dinner tonight (cause we didn't have any food at home ;)) We went to a place called George's (I think ;)) and it was a nice, American restaurant/bar where maybe with a more Greek touch. I had a Gyros pita with French fries and it was really good, and a lot! My stomach hurt when we walked back home :)
Sofia and Filip got a frog each (a stuffed animal) and Sofia brought them to the restaurant and we had a wedding ceremony on our way there. It was really sweet ;)
Anna picked me up at home and we went to Emilie's place to watch Grey's. Ramona was also there and we had some ice cream and brownies, always something to eat ;) Of course I ate some even though I was so full ;)
It was only old episodes of both Grey's and PP but it was OK. And this time we stayed really late cause we had so good discussions about our lives that we didn't wanna go. The funny thing is that both me and Anna was tired and glad that we could go home earlier since there weren't ant PP, but boy where we wrong! hahah
Sweden lost the ice hockey yesterday and it sucks so much. Against SLOVAKIA!!??? So no medal there and it's a real disappointment. I almost started crying cause I felt with the players. Now, I'm cheering on Finland that are in the Semifinal against the USA. USA-Canada in final would be a cool game but I'm hoping for a Nordic team at the top ;)

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

6 months celebration!

Today it's halftime!! I've been here for 6 months now. 6 months since I left Sweden, my family, my friends. It's a bit unreal, in one way it feels like I came here last week or sth but in another way, it's a really long time ago I saw my friends and family. I'm a bit split up! In one way, I want the rest of the time to go fast so I soon can meet all the people I love. At the same time I don't want it to go fast cause I wanna do so much and stay with my new friends. Well, I do have 6 months left ;)
Today, I went on my running turn in the morning but it was kind of hard cause I haven't been doing it for two weeks now so I couldn't keep up with my time ;) But Anna told me it was OK to be 10 minutes after normal after being sick. Thank U! ;)
I skyped with her for 40 minutes and it was really nice. We just chatted about all and nothing, as always ;)
Then I watched the latest episodes of Lost and Desperate Housewives that I missed last week. I didn't really have anything special to do during the day so I kind of just relaxed.
I picked up Filip at 2 and cause Sofia had art class it was only him and me that walked home together. We took a round trip cause Filip had a special way he wanted to take home and I thought it was OK.
Back home, he did his homework before he could play video game while I picked up Sofia.
It was raining when I walked to the school but when we walked back home, the sun was shining ;) So we decided to spend some time outside when we had the chance. The kids took their bikes and the skateboard and we went up and down our street a couple of times. I also went down on the skateboard! A real skater girl ;) Sofia was really good on the skateboard, well I was holding her hand so maybe it's not that hard then? ;)
We went back inside and played some Wee Sport Resort and it's so much fun. We did the bow, fence, basketball and a lot more. It's so cool with all the different sports and whit the movement. I really like the development of the games and everything. "Sicka nymoderniteter" Hahahah (a intern joke ;))
Filip had basketball practice today so we went back to school (I've walked there 4 times today) and we played some before everyone else showed up.
Me and Anna wanted to celebrate our anniversary so we went to Zeke's to have some pizza. It was jummie! And we had a nice discussion about school and our future. I donno if we made any progress ;)
Now I'm watching Sweden's quarter final in ice hockey and it's really excited! Right now, they are under with one goal but I have faith in them!

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

The sun is gone!

Today (Tuesday) the sun was gone and the rain came back. Well, U should be happy as long it lasted and now we prepare for bad weather again. But hey, it's Seattle, what did we expect? ;)
I went to the gym this morning and the class was really exhausting. I was planning to do some more after the one hour with SET and the pushing instructor, but I was too tired ;) It did feel good afterward and that is what I like the best, that U hate it while U do it but are then proud that U manage through the hard part!
I didn't do so much before I picked up the kids. I did my German homework and ate lunch.
Cause it was raining today, we didn't go to any park. We just stayed home, playing cards and building with Duplo. Sofia behaved bad so I had to put her in her room, twice! But then it was good. Today was one of those days I just wanna go home, and just give a damn about everything. But I'm not gonna do that ;) Now I'm almost half way and I just had a bad day, everyone does.
I had my German class today and I was a bit late cause they have changed the timetable for the bus so I couldn't take the one I usually do. The class was fun and we did a dialogue about a hotel that was really cool. Me and Greg (My 50 year old class mate ;)) are the best ;)
After, I took the bus to Starbucks and spend some time talking to my friends. There were a new french au pair there, with a really short skirt ;)
Me and Ramona got cupcakes for free cause the nice girl who worked there didn't wanna throw them away. It's a good thing to go there that late cause they might give U stuff ;)
Back home, I went straight to bed cause I wasn't in a mood of staying up and I was also tired. I took some time to think through my life, but I didn't got any more cleaver so I went to sleep instead ;)
And bye the way, did U have snow back in Sweden? Here it's spring!! Hahahah

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

Monday, February 22, 2010

Catch up with sleep

Today I tried to catch up my loss of sleep, since the weekend, by going back to bed after leaving the kids at school. I slept for 3!!! more hours but it felt like I could have stayed there for the rest of the day. Why can't the kids handle them self? Is it too much to ask? ;)
Well, me stomach forced me up to get some lunch and also make my Spanish homework.
The weather was nice today as well, but they have foreseen that tomorrow it will be bad again so I wanted to be outside with the kids for a while. Filip had a play date with Alexander today so all of us went just out on the street and drive way. The boys played some soccer and went on the skateboard while me and Sofia painted on the street, played hopscotch, did the hula hoop and then Sofia washed the car ;)
I went inside before the kids to start with dinner and then they all came in and I let the boys play some video game and Sofia helped me with the dinner.
I had Spanish today as well but it was really slow and I had a headache so it was not that much fun.
Now I'm just tired so I'll go to bed right after finishing this ;)

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Tiger Mountain

Today me, Anna, Emilie, Hanna, Lena and another German au pair went on a hike! The weather was perfect today as well so we really wanted to make use to the weather and it was a long time ago since we were on a hike so it was definitely a great timing.
We went to Issaquah, where they have a lot of nice mountains and the nature is stunning, to the Tiger Mountain. The hiking guide described it like this: there is not much to see. It doesn't have any waterfalls or rivers but. No special wild life or fauna but hey, it's a hill and it's close. That's so funny ;)
The hike was 3 miles one way but it was up the whole way so it was exhausting! We needed a lot of water brakes before we reached the top. The new girl, Laura, suffered from a chlorine poisoning so she needed to walk a bit slower and stop more often but it was no problem so I walked with her while the others continued to the top.
Laura was really nice and we talked about everything and we realized that we both were big and crazy Twilight fans. So we had a lot to talk about while we were reaching to the top ;)
The view were not that good cause there were a lot of threes in the way but at some places U could see the valley and the mountains and it was really beautiful.
At the top we ate our snack and just relaxed and enjoyed the heat and view. Anna started to feed the birds and finally they ate right out of her hand ;) She was really excited about this and soon all the people on the top tried to do the same ;) Crazy!
The way back down was not that exhausting but kind of hard for the knees that had to brake the whole way down so it was really nice when we reached the car.
We stopped at the donut place and this time I had a ice cream instead, with strawberries. Jummie!
Back home, I took a little power nap to have the energy to play today's soccer game ;)
Some of the girls came to support me, that was nice but they left in the second half cause it was too cold. Talk about real supporters ;)
The game was never really exciting. We won with 4-0 and in the end there were not much movement and we were only on their half. I played in the defence so I was just waiting for the signal so we could go home. It was a boring game.
Back home, I had a good dinner and now we are watching Sweden vs Finland ice hockey. We are eating some good nachos and drinking tea ad the game is exciting so it's a great finish of a great and active weekend. I think I'm gonna be really tired tomorrow but what a hell, U only live once right?

Miss U all!
Love Sandra.

Snoqualmie and Girly Girly!

Today (Saturday) I went with Emilie to Snoqualmie to do some skiing and the weather was PERFECT!!!! OMG, the sun was shining, warm and a blue sky.
It was just me and Emilie today cause Ramona was sick and Kadda is in Washington DC visiting her friend.
It was really nice and in the beginning we actually switched our gear so I did the snowboard and M took my skis. OMG, it was so painful that I wanted to cry and it took me like half an hour to get down one slope. But I was pretty good cause I could take the lift, brake and turn a bit. If it hadn't been so painful I would have tried some more. But I was also a bit scared and I could only go with my back against downhill. Donno why but it felt so weird facing downhill so I just went backwards the whole way ;) I'm sorry for Emilie that couldn't go with the skis for so long, but I think I'll try once again.
We did some more laps and then we had lunch in the beautiful weather. The snow wasn't that good. The upper layer was loose and then it was so hard and icy under so it was a bit hard to go down, but we can't complain when the weather was amazing ;)
I think we skied for like 4 hours so we were a bit tired when we went back home, and I went to bed for one hour when I'd dropped M.
At around 6 I picked up Anna to go to Emilie and have a girly night. We stopped by at QFC and bought some ice cream for the evening.
It was me, Anna, Emilie and Ramona that were at M's house and we started easy with some nice sweets and magazines at Emilie's bed ;) It was really cozy and we were reading gossip and talking and of course, eating ;)
Then we went to the bathroom and had a little beauty saloon there. M cut and styled Ramona's hair, Anna cut her own hair, we did our nails and then Emilie cut my hair as well ;) It was all girly girly and so much fun. We were laughing and talking so much, and the only thing missing was champagne ;) We were gonna watch a movie, but as usual that didn't happen ;)
I was really tired after skiing so it felt so nice to go to bed after a long, nice day ;)

Miss U all!
Love Sandra


Today (Friday) I went to the gym again for the first time this week cause I've had this cold. I hate when U are just a little sick but can still not work out cause U get exhausted bye just walking up the stairs ;)
I did the yoga and then half an hour on the cross trainer. It was really nice and today, for the first time, I really felt the Yoga. Like with the breathing and everything. It was cool and I felt happy and filled with more energy when I walked home.
It was great weather today as well so me and the kids went to the park, again, and it was really nice. I needed to have a discussion with Filip cause he wasn't really listening to me and I actually manage to make him say that his was sorry. Yes!
For the evening Lotta and Jonas did hot sandwiches in the oven and we ate it in front of the TV while watching Scooby Doo ;) It was nice, and good!
Me and Anna felt like doing sth that involved meeting people so we went to go bowling! There is a bowling alley between Kirkland and Redmond so it's not far from here.
We signed up for the next round that was actually a disco round with good music and disco light. Since we were only two they paired us up with four guys who were really nice. They were celebrating a birthday and me and Anna joined them in the celebration ;) When we signed up, they asked us if we were 21 but when we said that we were not they told us that we were gonna be in a teenage team. We were afraid that we were gonna end up with some teenage girls but we were lucky ;) We only had to play next to them but that was kind of fun with all the screams and the gossip ;)
Of course everyone except me and Anna knew that there was gonna be blacklight so everyone wore white. It was really cool and it was fun to do sth like this, where we could meet people and listen to good music. Too bad we weren't allowed to have some beer ;)
I won once and that was fun, but there were one guy who did some magic when he threw his ball he spun it so hard that when it was almost out it did a turn and he did a strike instead. Unbelievable! We think he was cheating ;)
We bowled for two hours and it was a really nice evening and I would love to do it again!

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

Friday, February 19, 2010

Darker hair

Today (Thursday) was a long day. First, I didn't go back to sleep after the kids went to school. Instead, I decided it was time to clean the car for the first time since Vancouver ;) I actually found some pieces of glass on the floor so it was definitely time. Now it's really nice and shiny, on the inside. It should need a wash on the outside too, but I don't know how to do it since I haven't found a hose. I need to ask them.
I was invited to Anna's place to enjoy the beautiful weather with a walk in the sun and maybe also some video game. But when I was going to start the car, nothing! It was totally dead, again. Luckily, it was only the battery that needed to be charged and luckily for me, Jonas was home so he showed me how to do it and then I needed to drive the car for half an hour so it wouldn't die again. So instead of a walk in the sun, we took a drive in the sun ;) Anna showed me the house that her host family most likely is gonna move to. It was really nice and the view were stunning. They are hopefully gonna move there in the end of the summer I think so Anna is also gonna be a part of the move. Exciting! And it's not far from where they live now so I have no0t to worry about loosing Anna ;)
We drove through some of the fancy neighbourhoods of Bellevue and the houses there were amazing.
I went inside with Anna, cause I could now stop the car. We talked about Hawaii and started to look at the dates and how much it would cost but we didn't decide anything. It's gonna be expensive but also worth it.
I went back home, had lunch while I watched the latest Lost episode which was really exciting!
I watched some Olympics before I left to pick up the kids and today was such good weather that we went directly to the park. They played so good together so I didn't have to do anything. I just sat in the sun and red. It was so nice and I can't believe it's just February. Back home in Sweden they have so much snow that it looks like we live in different times or sth ;)
Today, Lotta and Jonas went to Vancouver to watch a hockey game. I'm not jealous ;) So I had the kids the whole evening so we stayed at the park for like two hours before we went home, had dinner and then they went to bed. The kids were tired after a long day outside so they fell asleep quickly. That was good for me cause Emilie, Kadda and Ramona came over to watch Grey's and PP. Emilie came early and she coloured my hair. It was really time for some new colour and it feels really good. It's not any unusual colour, just the same dark brown, maybe a bit darker. I'm glad that Emilie is so good with this so I don't have to go to a hairdresser ;) Maybe I'll let her cut my hair this weekend, just maybe ;)

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The sun is shining!

Ok, I thought I was better today but I thought wrong. It's worse in the morning so after I left the kids at school, I went for a short walk cause the weather was so nice. When I got home, I watched a cartoon I used to watch a lot when I was younger, Thunder cats. Did anyone see that? It's really cool and it was nice to get some flashbacks from my childhood ;)
Anyway, after that I went to my bed and stayed there until I needed to get something to eat before I went to pick up Filip. I was cold and I had like three sweaters and was under my blankets. It's crazy.
Filip was going to a check up at the dentist so I picked him up earlier from school. When I came there the lady in the reception told me that the after school classed were cancelled today so I took Sofia with me then too cause I didn't think I would be able to come back in time to get her.
The check up took like 2 minutes, so I would have come back in time but it was OK cause now we had some extra time to play outside ;)
I took some painkillers, and it's actually easier in the afternoon, and then we went to the big Grasslawn Park to play some in the sun. The kids were really good in entertain themselves this time and I just had to push them once on the swing, otherwise I could sit and read my book ;) I like that!
After 1,5 hour Sofia fell of the swing and got sad so we decided to go home. I thought it was OK cause it was a bit cold for me who were sitting still the whole time and the kids were satisfied too.
Back home, I sewed Sofia's cat which had a whole in it's tail. We played that the cat (which name is Kisse Nisse ;)) went to the doctor for surgery. I always did that with my mum when someone of my stuffed animals needed to be fixed. We also did some colouring while Filip played his DS. Sadly, there weren't any basketball today so we just stayed home playing some games.
Lotta was on a work out today so it was only me, Jonas and the kids for dinner and for dessert we had "Semlor" One day too late since it was the certain "Fettisdagen" yesterday, when we in Sweden eat this special bun. But today was good too and I could say that it was for celebrating the Sandra day! It's my name day today!! I got some sweet greets from home.
Today I also found out how and where I could watch some of the Swedish stuff from the Olympics and I was able to watch some of the hockey game between Sweden and Germany men. Of course we crushed the Germs ;) Hahahah...I've spend some time now making a time schedule so I can watch as much as possible.
Hanna invited me to her house tonight to watch some TV, but I'm still too tired and I just wanna stay home and rest so I can be ride of this shit until the weekend when I have a game and probably will be skiing. Now, I'm gonna watch some more Olympics!

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

Still Sick

Today (Tuesday) it was finally time for the kids to go back to school, and I was so tired that I went back to bed ;) I hate being sick! I can't do anything and I'm just sneezing all the time. Why can't there be a magical anti cold pill? Can someone please invent one? ;)
After my extra two hours sleep I took a well needed shower and then went for a walk. I couldn't stay inside the whole day cause it was really nice weather. I went to the post office to get some stamps and I went to QFC to get some stuff for dinner tonight.
Back home I had lunch and red some until it was time to go get the kids. I needed to fill up some gas in the car first so I went a bit early.
Now I have a credit card I can use whenever I'm with the kids or when I need to buy stuff for the family like milk. Before I always needed to ask for money but this is much better. Lotta can just transfer money when they the account is almost empty and I don't need to ask for money (which I hate!)
The kids wanted to go to the park and I'm not a bad au pair so we went there, even though it started to rain ;) But we know the weather pretty well here so we stayed and after 5 minutes it stopped. U need to know your Seattle weather ;)
We played there about an hour before we went home and I started with dinner while the kids played nicely together!
I had my German class today and it was nice. It was two weeks since last time cause there weren't any class last time so it was good to be back ;)
Afterwards I went to Starbucks where my Au Pair group was cause they had been to build a bear to make bears for kids in hospital. I couldn't go since I had class.
Me and my friends had so much to talk about, well nothing in particular but when we start we can't stop. There were several times where we said that maybe we should go, but then someone came up with a new subject that needed to be discussed ;) It's nice cause we don't meet that much during the week so we need to talk about the kids and everything else.
When I came home I just said hello to my host parents and then I went upstairs to read my book. Even though I'm so tired I always need to read a chapter or two ;)

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

Monday, February 15, 2010

President's day

Ok, I'm going to be honest, i donno what this day means ;) I guess it has sth to do with the President but we haven't really done anything special. But it's good for all the kids cause they are off school ;) But at the same time, that means a whole day work for me.
Me and the kids went to IKEA to spend some time to refresh our Swedish roots ;) The kids played at Småland for one hour while I went through the store and fantasized about my future house. I have a plan now, I'm gonna be rich and then go to IKEA and just get everything I want ;) I wonder when that's gonna happen.
After they finished playing, we ate what we always eat there: Meat balls with mashed potatoes and lingonberry jam. It's so good! The kids got ice cream for dessert and it's pretty fascinating how kids can get so messy while they are eating. They get ice cream all over the face, on the clothes and on their hands. I wonder when the table manners develops ;)
Then we picked the thing we were buying, just some food and candy: Ahlgrens Bilar, sausage, knäckebröd and of course meat balls.
Back home, we played some games and then we went to the park to enjoy the beautiful weather.
Now I'm really tired cause I've been better today but still fell a bit sick so I'm glad the day is soon over. I hope my cold is all gone tomorrow so I can go to the gym.
Today Sweden also got their first gold. It was Charlotte Kalla who got the first place in the 10 km cross country skiing. I didn't see it and I didn't see it since we were not home. But I've heard it was magical ;)
I had a great day with the kids and I like hanging out with them but I'm glad that school starts tomorrow so I can get some time for myself ;)

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Happy Valentine's Day!
When I woke up today I felt really bad. I had a headache, I had a runny nose and I felt so heavy in my body.
The family were not home when I woke up, which was nice cause now I could have a quite and calm breakfast on my own. I had a good breakfast with a egg sandwich, a bowl of cereals, tea and a glass of juice ;)
I talked with my brother over the computer and it was nice to not having any plans. Just be able to eat relaxed and get some updates from back home.
Kadda and Emilie had asked me if I wanted to join them on their plans today but I felt like being home and try to cure myself.
The weather was so nice in the morning so I went down to downtown Kirkland and walked on the cozy main street and looked through all the nice stores that we have here. I've actually never been in too all of them yet and it's sad cause there were so much good stuff. There were some cool clothes stores, one secondhand and a lot more. I bought a long t-shirt/dress in the second hand store and they had a watch that I want so I think I'll go there next week again ;)
It was nice to get home since I barely can walk 5 steps before I'm start having problem to breathe ;) I took the time to make my German homework, I were on my computer meanwhile I watched the Olympics. I didn't watch that close, the TV was just on. I have it on now all day cause I like to watch the games.
I haven't really done that much more, just been relaxed and enjoying the day as much as I've could in my condition.
We had a nice Valentine's dinner and now I'm planning to read some in my bed. I'll probably going to fall asleep pretty soon cause being sick is exhausting ;)
I hope the weather is good tomorrow so me and Filip can go skiing!

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hard Rock!!!

Today has been a real tourist day in Seattle.
Emilie picked me up at 11 and then we picked Kadda, Anna and Hanna up before we went to Seattle and the International District to celebrate the Chinese New Year. We had read that there should be a like a market place with a parade and other fun stuff connected to the new year that is tomorrow. It's the year of the Tiger!
But there weren't much to see. Just some cool buildings and some dancing but then nothing. We didn't stay long cause it was raining to day as well, we decided that we wanted to see the library in Seattle. We all had heard that it's supposed to be cool but no one had been there.
We took the bus (they are free in downtown ;)) to the right address and there it was ;) The architecture was awesome! A huge building with windows all over and it was big, like 10 floor or sth. We went up to the highest viewing point and it was really cool. Cause of all the windows U could see a lot but of course we wondered how they washed the windows. Sadly there weren't any janitor who we could ask ;)
After some photos and some wow we went back out in the rain and walked to Pike Place where we wanted to see the famous chewing gum wall that we didn't go to yet. On our way we passed the freshly opened restaurant Hard Rock Cafe and we decided that we wanted to eat there. Well, me and Kadda decided that we wanted to eat there ;)
It's so cool, I love the place. I've been there a lot in Sweden and once in Copenhagen and now I can say that I've been in Seattle too ;) They opened last week and U could tell that they were not really in to all the organisation yet. The place looked grate and they had all this cool technology like a touch screen where U could vote on the music, and a cool buzzer to call on your waitress. But we had to wait really long for our food. They told us that they didn't really hadn't figure out the best way of working yet and that we should come back in a month, then they would be more ready. But the food was really good, although I got a Veggie burger ;) I didn't notice until I almost ate the whole burger. I was like: "This doesn't taste like meat" I had to ask her what I'd ordered and she told me it was all vegetables ;) I ordered a MEDITERIAN burger, maybe she heard wrong but I didn't read that close either so it could have been a veggie burger ;) But it was good so it was OK.
It was a really cool day in Seattle, even though it was raining but we should get used to that now.
Tonight I'm working and the Stendahls are here too. We saw a movie: Aliens in the attic. It was funny! And now the kids are sleeping, I hope ;)
The adults are out having a Valentine dinner cause tomorrow is the big hart day! I got some flowers from Lotta and Jonas and I also got $40!!! from Henrik and Jennie. That's really sweet of them, thank U!
Now I'm watching the Olympics but it's weird cause I think that everyone in Sweden already have seen all of this cause I could reed about it on Internet. I donno, maybe I got it wrong. I'm learning a lot of the American athletes ;) Right now, it's about Apolo Ohne :) Go Apolo Go!

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

The Olympics

Today (Friday) it was still raining so it was a bit hard with the kids. Well, first me and Sofia made a board game together. I did a lot of them when I was younger and Sofia also found it really fun to do. She made a lot of Super ladders and super slides ;) Filip also made one of his own later and we played them a couple of times.
We went to the library here in Kirkland and the kids played on the computers and I got a moment on my own to read my book ;)
I always loved to go to the library when I was a kid. I liked to look at all the book and there were a certain feeling in the library. I still like to go there but the kids don't care about the books at all. I asked them if they wanted to rent any before we left but they were like: "U can take some" Ok!
It was raining, a lot!, so we ran to Starbucks to have some good drinks and snacks. I red some books to them (the ones I'd rented ;)) and we had a great time.
When we were back home it was a bit hard. Both the kids and me were bored since we couldn't go outside so there were some arguments and I'm just so tired of it. Sometimes they can be so rude and selfish and I'm just so tired of it.
Anyway, we watched some cartoons and then we had lunch. Me and Sofia went to QFC to get her some cupcakes for her last ski lesson. Meanwhile, Filip was home playing the computer.
Lotta and Jonas came home around 6 and they brought the SAAB! It's alive! The mechanics had fixed it but told us that we need to watch the oil level more often. I need to remind that since I'm the one who mostly drive them.
I was suppose to go skiing with them but I was so tired after the day with the kids so I just wanted to be home alone. Hanna called and asked if I wanted to come to her place but I was just too tired.
I went to QFC, got me a pizza, went back home and made it cozy in the sofa and got ready to watch the opening ceremony of the Olympics! It was really cool. The visual effects was amazing and it was cool to watch it from the American view cause they are more proud of themselves then we are. All the introduction of their athletes and the images were full of so much emotions and I was really moved.
It's really sad, the death of the Georgian guy. Imagine being the next guy in the track, I would be so scared. And it awful for the other team mates and his family and the whole country. But it's also a terrible sport, I don't really see the fun part.
I was a real Olympic fan cause I watched the whole ceremony, from 7 until 12! I was like forcing my eyes to stay open when I was in my bed, watching Gretzky lightning the torch ;)
And I'm happy with Foppa as the flag carrier ;)

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

Thursday, February 11, 2010

First day of Winter break

Today was the first day of the kids winter break. I could sleep a bit longer in the morning but of course I woke up early and thought that I had overslept.
Lotta and Jonas brought the SAAB to life by charging the battery and they took it to work. They didn't get all the way, 300 meters from Lotta's job, it was dead again. They had to tow it to a mechanic and we'll see what they say.
Me and the kids had a calm morning with some games and we decided to go to a movie. We went to Bellevue and watched the Tooth Fairy with Dwayne Johnson. So funny with such a macho man being in a soft and different role ;) We liked it and also saw trailers of upcoming movies that seemed really good. It's crazy how much new, good movies that are coming up. How can they come up with so much new stuff to make movies about? I mean, there are already so many great stories so soon it must end. Or? ;)
We went home and Filip went directly to the computer. That's his new thing and it's so funny cause everything comes and goes in periods. U know how much we played the super Mario video game? Now we never play anymore ;) Now it's the computer that goes warm. But he plays really good games, like logically stuff so it's OK I think. And it's easy for me ;)
The day went past really fast and before we knew it, me and Sofia went to pick up Lotta and Jonas since they didn't have a car anymore ;)
Cause we can't have any food in the freezer anymore, we don't have so much dinner alternatives at home ;) So today me, the kids and Jonas went out to eat. Lotta was going on her work out so she didn't join us.
We went to a Mexican place here in Kirkland and that was really cozy. I some kind of tacos with chicken, tomato, lettuce and cheese. To that, rice and beans. It was good and now I can check that plays of my list over the restaurant here in Kirkland. I've now been to 6 different places but I'm far from done ;) My favourite this far is Zeke's pizza. Jum Jum!
Back home I tried to get a grip over the Olympics and how and where I could watch it and if it's possible to watch any from the Swedish broadcast over the computer. I donno if I got any brighter but I think I can watch the Swedish things, which is good. But I'll also watch stuff on KING 5 ;)
I watched the last episode of Grey's since I missed it last week and wanted to be updated until tonight's episode. I didn't go to Emilie's place cause I don't have a car. It was a long time since I was there the last time so I hope I can go next week.
After Grey's and PP I watched a episode of LOST that I also had missed. Then I was really tired and fall asleep really fast ;)

Miss U all!
Love Sandra.