Thursday, July 29, 2010

Saloon ala Emilie

Today Jonas took Filip to the doctors to look at his throat and try to figure out why he's always so hoarse. Then he had his "R-practice" so I had to pick him up there when he was done.
I got a answer from the insurance company about my hospital visits but they just answered that they cover the visit I'll do tomorrow that I have schedule. They didn't say anything about my visit on Tuesday or my medications so I sent another email and asked so I'll see what they'll answer tomorrow. Probably that they wont pay, we'll see.
The kids were a bit hard today and I was not in a good mode so it was not so fun. Before lunch I called home and talked with them and that was nice. It's not so long until I'll see them all again, only 48 days! ;) I so wanna go home now, or I would like to stay if I didn't have to work ;)
I drove the girls to cheer leading and then me and Filip started to build one of his marble tracks. It was fun, and quite ;) Filip is always so calm and nice when U are alone with him, it's when he gets together with the other two he transforms to some energetic, silly monster ;) I like the calm Filip better.
When it was time to pick the girls us we packed the beach bag cause again the weather got better in the afternoon and the kids wanted to swim so we went to the Waiverly Beach Park again cause there the lifeguards are off early ;)
We almost went home earlier than planned cause the kids were out of control and didn't listen at all so I lost all motivation and just wanted to go home. But then I thought, better being here on the beach than at home where they'll fight even more so we stayed and when the lifeguards came they played well together in the water.
Jonas joined us after work and he had brought some dinner but I had to go to the mall so I didn't eat with them. I had asked M to bleach my hair so I needed to get the stuff for that. I went to Beauty Works and there they had everything I needed and it was so cheap. I paid $12 for bleaching powder, the liquid, two pair of gloves and a comb!! If I had gone to the hairdresser I would have to pay $120!!! I was happy!
I stopped bye at Anna's place on my way home and said goodnight to Slater and talked a bit with Anna before I went home and came home at the same time as the kids and M ;)
She's so nice and I'm glad she's my friend! She mixed the stuff and prepared foil and I put on a dirty t-shirt and took a seat in the saloon chair ;)
It took maybe 40 min or sth to go through the whole hair, well she did highlights so she didn't take all the hair. She was kind of worried in the end that the cream wasn't enough but she made it. We went to the shower and since I don't have a hand shower we filled up the tub, I got the kids play pillows and build a bed that was the same height as the tub then I laid down with my head down in the water ;) M was in the tub and tried to wash my hair as much as possible. Then I took a shower and got the rest out.
M looked a bit nervous when I came out and I asked if I was all orange but she told me that there were sth weir on the top of my head. When we had dried it I could go to the mirror, at this time M was looking really scared ;) It's lighter than before and it looks good, except of the golden spot on top of my head. There is a area just on top of my head that is kind of yellow/orange. I don't think it's so bad and I'll see what happens when I'm out in the sun and I'm gonna try to put some lemon juice in it. I'm not upset and M was really relieved ;) I'm just thankful that I could save $120!!! What will I do without her?
I guess we weren't sure about the time and maybe this was a area that was more sensitive...I donno, I'm not a hairdresser. If I don't like it in a while I maybe go to the hairdresser or I'll go dark again. But I'll try working this out cause I like being blond, it makes me look more Swedish ;) Tomorrow it's Friday, jippie! I'm going to the doctor and I'll see what they'll say. The wound feels better today. It's still bleeding but it doesn't hurt so much anymore so I think the antibiotic helps.
Thank U M for a great hair session that we will remember forever ;)

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

No swiming for me

Today I wasn't so tired when I woke up which I thought was weird since I was up at 12 and then 6 to take my medications. I had to wake up Filip cause we were going to his "R-practice" and we needed to be there at 9:20. I took a shower with the wound covered with plastic wrap. It was kind of tricky cause I tried to have the leg under water as little as possible so I had to be kind of bended ;) But I made it and felt much fresher afterwards.
I also tried to call my insurance company but they are located in Denmark so I missed them by a half an hour. But I'm glad cause I don't wanna talk with a Danish person ;) I sent them a mail instead so I'll see what they say.
At the speech practice I called and got a appointment for the check up on Friday with a infection specialist or sth. I hope there will be no problems cause I don't wanna have this the rest of my stay here.
Back home, I had a big mess in my room that I needed to clean up and the kids played. Filip and Helena started the New York puzzle that's really hard. But that's good cause that keeps them busy ;) Me and Sofia watched the movie Tinkerbell until lunch cause the weather was not that nice and we were a bit tired.
I drove the girls to cheer leading again and back home Filip was working on the puzzle so I could be on the computer a while but then I joined him and tried to help but it's hard. It's so dark and some of the pieces fits but are at the wrong place anyway, tricky!
The weather got better in the afternoon so we packed the swimwear and towels before we picked up the girls and then headed to the beach. I couldn't go in the water but that was OK cause I thought it was a bit cold anyways. The kids jumped right in but then spend most of the time on the playground until the lifeguards were gone so they could jump from the deck.
It's so beautiful here! Just laying in the grass and look out over the water with Seattle on the other side and the mountains behind the city. I could actually see the Space Needle from here and it's cool ;)
We stayed maybe 2 hours and then we met up with Jonas and Lotta in Kirkland, we jumped in to their car and then went to Bellevue and the restaurant Blue C where we had sushi. I'm not a huge fan but they have some pretty good stuff. I like the noodles and the California Rolls that has crab, avocado, mayonnaise and rice in it.
Filip was crazy this time! He ate 7 plates with just beans...weirdo! ;) When we were done, there were a lot of empty plates, and I think the kids stood for most of them ;)
We went in the mall cause Jonas had to fix his phone at Apple and Filip needed new shorts and Sofia a new swim suit. I just walked a long, fantasized about all the things I would like to buy ;)
When we got home I walked down to QFC and got the Saab, cause I didn't want to leave it there all by itself the whole night ;)
Now I'm really tired, donno if it's a side effect of the medication or just cause I didn't sleep so much tonight. I'm just gonna check some stuff on the computer and then I think I'll crawl in to bed, maybe I can have a whole hour of sleep before I need to take my pill ;)
I already lost the competition with Anna and M, or I didn't loose but I had to give up cause of the wound and I'm not allowed to drink on Saturday any way cause of the antibiotics so I'll be the driver. But it's still gonna be the best party so far, I can feel it!

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

The ER

Today (Tuesday) I was really tired cause I barely had any sleep tonight cause of my bug bite that had got worse and now it's so painful. It even hurt just when I walked so I think there's something wrong that wont go away by itself as I was hoping. But I'll deal with that later today.
I had to wake up the kids today cause we were going to the cinema to the "free summer movies" at Crossroads. Today it was "Aliens in the attic" We have seen the movie before but it was OK cause the kids like it and I think it was fun for Helena to see how the cinema looks here cause I think it's bigger than in Sweden. The kids got some goodies and we had a great time at the movies and we had time to go home and get lunch before I drove the girls to their cheer leading.
Max and Ty, friends of Filip, came over and played for about 2 hours. They were so good I barely noticed them. Too bad they could only play for such a short time but they had camp in the morning and then I had to pick up the girls.
While the boys were playing I had cleaned and filled up the pool so the kids could have a place to cool off at home.
Lotta came home early so I could go to the hospital with my leg. I wanted to go alone, cause I'm a big girl now ;) No, but I felt like if I could do this alone, I can do whatever...almost ;) But I when I was there I wished I had my mum with me cause it was hurting and I was a bit scared. Plus that I never remember the name of my medications and stuff I'm allergic to, maybe it's time to learn that ;)
Everything went great and I didn't have to wait at all. I had one doctor and two nurses who helped me and they were all really nice and understanding. They explained really well and showed me what to do. They had to cut the wound open a bit more and then they pressed all the yucky stuff out. That was painful!! But the nurse tried to talk to be through it all but at some point I couldn't answer her cause I was biting my tongue. They put in a gauze packing inside the wound so it would suck up the rest off the pus and also prevent new bacterias to get in to the wound. This was also very painful!! Over they taped a dressing to protect the wound and that I shall change every day or when it gets wet. First i thought that I should change the gauze inside the wound and I was like: "What?!" But no no, I'm not allowed to touch that and I have to make sure it stays in the wound. Pfew, that would have been painful and yucky.
They gave me two kinds of antibiotics, one for all the common bacterias and one for a specialized bacteria. They don't know what bacteria I have so they give me for everything. There is a lot of pills, one of them I have to take 4 times a day with 6 hours in between so when the clock is 12am, 6 am, 12pm and 6 pm. The other I have to take 2 times a day and with 12 hours in between so at 8 am and 8 pm. I also have to take probiotic that helps the body to restore the balance of the good bacterias since the antibiotic takes away all the bacterias, not only the bad ones.
The worst thing is that I'm not allowed to swim or be in direct sunlight the rest of the week!! And now when it's summer and really hot and I have a tanning schedule I need to follow ;) Anna, my friend in Sweden, are going on vacation soon and I have to be more tanned then her, cause she is always so brown and now I wanna be worse ;) Well, well...I hope it's still sunny next week and that the wound will heal quickly.
After a couple of hours and stop at Bartell Drugs where I got the medication, I could go back home and tell everyone about my first visit to the hospital here, I would have wished I didn't had to go but I guess it was the best.
I don't know yet if the insurance will cover this cause I went to the ER without being in a life threatening emergency, well my wound could have been life threatening but I don't know. The hospital sent the bill to the company and I'll try to call them tomorrow. What's weird is that they are located in Denmark, not Sweden, so I hope they either talk Swedish or English cause I don't understand any Danish!!
I came home in time for dinner, we got steak and artichoke from the BBQ and to that a salad. It was jummy!!
I made a schedule for my medications cause I need to take them for 10 days and there are a lot of pills to remember. Plus, I like to be organized ;)
I weren't allowed to play soccer since I ate the medication and cause it's not good if the dressing gets wet. I was kind of sad when I had to call Jen cause I know that they needed me, but even if the doctors said it was OK to play I think it would have been to painful cause it hurts just when I'm walking. This meant that I could join Anna and watch "Monsters vs Aliens" in Bellevue Downtown park. we haven't missed one movie yet and I hope we'll see them all.
First we had to stop bye at Starbucks cause M had the probiotic pills I needed. I didn't find them at the PCC here in Kirkland so I asked her to check at the one close to her, and they had it. Then we stopped at Safeway and bought a cake, sour men and snickers for the movie...jum jum! It gets dark earlier and earlier each week now so the movie had already started when we got there. we got better seats than last week but still not perfect. The movie was funny and cute, I didn't see it before and I had a great time as always with Anna.
Back home I got ready for bed and set my alarm for 12am, it was just in half an hour, and then I put in reminders on my phone for the medication. I'm gonna sleep in 6 hours interval ;)

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Today (Monday) I finally did the thing I've tried so long. I woke up at 7 and went out for a walk!! This is thanks to the competition with Anna and M and I'm so gonna win this ;)
The girls slept really long, and wouldn't for Filip, they would have slept longer but he was bored so he went upstairs and woke them up...why? Just so mean.
I skyped with Ida and that was really nice. She's getting glasses so she showed me her options and it all looked really good. I miss her and everyone else so much and I could go home right now!
After breakfast the kids played by themselves and I tried to pack my suitcases for my trip home. I wanted to see how much they would weigh so that I won't go over the limit. I didn't pack all my stuff, just the clothes, but it seems fine. The big one was just 19 kg and I can pack 23 in both so I'm not that worried, plus I'm gonna leave some stuff here that's broken or try to sell some that I don't want, like some shoes.
We had lunch and this week it was time for the girls to have a camp, cheer leading camp. So I drove them to the same place where Filip had his Lego camp and sadly it was the same teacher Sofia had the last time. We don't really like her cause she's not that authorised or structured. But I think it'll be fine and it's also a good way for Helena to practice her English.
Me and Filip went to the beach where we met up with Christopher. I had called Patrizia and knew that they were gonna be there so Filip could have someone to play with. At first, he didn't want to take the swim test but after Christopher passed it, Filip also did it and passed so both could go on the deck and jump. It was so nice and sunny and the water was really warm so I also jumped a couple of times.
We picked up the girls and went straight back to the beach and I'm glad we didn't have trouble finding a parking spot cause there were a lot of people, of course.
After about 2 hours of swimming and tanning ;) we went back home and got ready for dinner. I went to Platos Closet, the second hand store, to see if they had something fun. I wanted a pair of shoes for Jonas party but also some party dresses to bring home. I tried on so many stuff but didn't bye so much. I found the shoes, a pair of black high heels with open toe of the brand Steve Madden!! Jippie!! They were so comfortable and match perfect with the dress I'm wearing. Then I also bought a blue top, a red dress with white dots (super cute) and also a pink sweater sweather with short sleeves. Not really what I had planed but whatever!
Back home I had dinner. Super good fish that they had BBQ and to that cos cos. For dessert, we made Smores over the open fire. It was so cozy and good but Sofia and Filip were just so clumsy so they made a big mess everywhere. But I didn't care cause I was off ;)
I joined Lotta in the couch and watched Friends while I tried to write on my blog. It was not easy cause I got distracted from the TV, but I mange to write a bit ;)

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

Birthday party

Today (Sunday) me and Anna slept pretty long. I was surprised when I looked at the clock cause Anna is usually up early and now we slept until 10! Not like her!
we had breakfast and then she had to work, so we just grabbed Slater and went to a park in Crossroad, Bellevue. It was really nice and while he was climbing at the playground, we relaxed in the sun. It such a hard work being an au pair ;)
They dropped me off on the way home and I took a nice shower cause today it was really hot. I wrapped the presents I had bought for Ebba and Axel cause today we were going to their birthday party. Lotta came home pretty stressed and had just realized that the party started 2 hours earlier than we though which meant that we had half an hour before it would start, and Jonas was at the store with Filip and Helena. No panic!!! But we were just a couple of minutes late and we weren't even the last ones.
There were a lot of Swedish people there, of course, but also some americans and a french couple. Jenny's mum and sister were visiting from Sweden and her mum was the most amazing person I ever met. I donno why but she had just such a great personality and I talked with her the most of the time. She told me all about her and her daughters' lives and we talked about traveling and exploring the world and collecting experiences before settling down. Just how my life looks like, it was so cool!
The entertainment for the party was a guy with a lot of reptiles. He had a huge toad, lizards, snakes and a alligator. He showed and talked about them and we got to pet most of them and sometimes he scared us with them, or he scared Lotta most of the time ;)
The twins got, in the end, to have the biggest snake around their necks and both Henrik and Jenny had to help cause it was so big. Ebba got scared so they had to take her away but Axel sat there although with a sceptic look on his face ;)
It was a great party and it was a while since I saw the Stendhal's so it was really nice. I also talked with another grandpa that was here on visit from Sweden and he told me that they were used to the heat cause they have a house in Thailand and lived there for 11 years or sth. Some people has it for them!
Back home, the family packed to go to the beach and I met up with Anna and M at QFC where we bought some nice stuff for a picnic and then we went to the beach as well. We bough a hamburger also before we took place at the dock and enjoyed a wonderful dinner watching the sun set behind the mountains.
We made up a challenge for the week cause we talked about how hard it is to motivate yourself to go up in the morning and go out for a walk or run. So, all of us needs to go out three times this week! The one who don't do it, will be the driver to Elliott's party on Saturday ;) And if we all do it, we'll take a's easier when we are several and there is a competition. We made a pinkie swear that we would be honest if we did it or not so we'll see how it goes.
I was so tired when I got home and I wanted to be alert in the morning when the challenge start so I went to bed immediately and I think I fell asleep the same time as the kids ;)

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

ps. I didn't have a camera for the party so sadly I have no pictures ds.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Inner tubing

Today (Saturday) Anna picked me up pretty early cause we were going inner tubing with some cool people. First we had to buy me a tube so that I could float down the river so we went to Bartell drugs and I found one at once. I got the black "River Rat" ;)
Back at Anna's place, I helped her to water her neighbour's plants and driveway ;) They were on vacation so Anna's boy was in charge of watering but now he wasn't there so Anna took over.
Janet picked us up around 12 and with her was Denice and Betty so we were a full car meeting up with the other cars in Kirkland.
We drove almost to Snoqualmie, to a place called Fall City. Here we parked three of the cars and since this was the end of our ride, we went with the rest of the cars to the start point. It was so hot so we all just wanted to go in to the water but it took a while to fill all the tubes and the other floating devices.
Finally everyone was ready and we tide all the tubes together and got in the river, but that was not such a good idea cause then we just spun all around and didn't get forward. So the tubes got cut of from the rafts and we could go down the stream.
The water was cold but after a while U got used to it and this was just amazing. I did it once before with the family but then it was more organized with a shuttle and U rented the tubes. Here we all did it by ourselves and there were so many people with all kinds of cool floating things. Some had these awesome mattresses and some had boats. The best was a double tube with a place for a cooling bag between, classy!
The stream was not that strong so it was slow and nice most of the way but there was one time when I fell off my tube ;) There were big rocks and it went fast so I crashed in to Anna and then fell off in the middle of the current. I was so scared!!! I thought I was gonna die ;) All I thought of was get up on the tube, get up on the tube. Anna was thinking of jumping in after me but she gave me a minute ;) And I got back up so it was fine. The rest of the ride was nice and it took about 2 hours to go down the river but in the end it was kind of cold so it was nice to get up.
Stupid me brought my camera, and still I had it in a zip lock it got wet and stopped I got the tip of putting it in a bowl with rice cause that would suck the water up.
When we came to the end point, we had a BBQ. Trev and her husband, who had planned all this, had brought a grill and hot dogs for everyone. We also had fruits, chips and drinks so it was great. We stayed there in the sun for like 1 hour before Janetn drove us home and I jumped in Anna's pool for the first time. It was cold!! Even though everyone else said it was warm, they were lying!!!
Me and Anna didn't do much the rest of the evening. I looked up stuff for my flight back home to Sweden so now I know more about my luggage and stuff.
We wanted to watch a German movie that Anna had told me about, but we just saw the beginning cause then it was stopping and we decided to go to sleep instead.
The funniest of the day: Anna saw a spider in her room and she's terrified of spiders. She's gonna take it with a paper when it JUMPS!!! She screams with so much fear and it really sounds like someone is killing her. Downstairs we hear Lisa and Todd jumping up from their chairs preparing to run up to see what was going on. Anna said carefully: "Sorry, it was just a spider" They weren't that happy...but I laughed ;)

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

ps. Today I've been in the US 11 months!! See U soon ds.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Sun sun sun

Today, I took all of the kids to the beach right after breakfast cause the sun was already out and it was warm so no time to loose. We went to a beach called Houghton beach and it's just down the street towards Bellevue. It's a nice beach with a playground and a beach volleyball field, but the water is a bit gross with too much of seaweed but who is sensitive?
There were not so much people, maybe cause it was just 10 in the morning, but there were a bridal couple taking some nice wedding pictures out on the dock with Seattle in the background. The dress was so pretty!! It was a tight, tank top and then the skirt was big, with a lot of folds and it looked like a cream cake. In the waistline was a light blue ribbon, the bridesmaid had a matching blue dress. They all looked so pretty and they did some funny pictures with attitude. When they were done, and walked bye, they didn't look so pretty. The bride was nothing special and I usually thinks that every bride is pretty, but not this one. Whatever, they seemed happy and I bet they think they are beautiful!
I told the kids not to go up on the dock before they were done cause maybe they didn't want three kids in their background ;)
Sofia was happy cause there were no lifeguard on duty so now she could also jump from the dock. I laied on my towel next to them and had a watching eye on them while I red my book. It was really nice today and the kids did great. They ran and played at the beach volleyball field a couple of times and after two hours we went back home and had lunch.
We took Filip to the last session of his LEGO camp and then we went to the beach again. This time to a place called Waverly Beach park, it's a bit longer there but still close. Here there is not much of a beach, there is a grass area and then there are rocks on the bottom of the water so it hurts when U walk there. But this time, when I was in the water, I had my flip-flops on so that was fine. The only problem was that I had to squeeze my toes so that I wouldn't drop them ;)
It was so nice cause it was a bit windy and then not so hot but U could still dry off in the sun and tan of course ;) Helena did some fishing but didn't have any luck.
When we picked up Filip we all got to see when they smashed a huge LEGO pyramid that one of the teacher had made. Apparently this was a wish from the students ;)
We went back to the beach and stayed there for about and hour before we went home. Filip was fishing and this time he was lucky. At first it didn't go any good but then a nice guy gave us some other bate and then it worked better. We were lucky that there were some big and strong men there cause none of us could get the fishes of the hook. i didn't even wanted to try cause I think it's gross. We went home with 6 fishes and Filip was so proud!
I had a soccer game tonight so I got ready while Jonas and the kids took care of the fishes. I signed up for a indoor summer season with a girl from the team. So now I have soccer twice a week so I could be in some kind of shape when I come home ;)
It was indoor at the Arena Sport in Redmond where I've played before and it was a coed team, both women and men. It was kind of stressed when I got there cause the game was about to start but after a minute I had my equipment on and was on the field. Since I sent my indoor shoes home, with mum and dad, I had to play with my running shoes and that looks so unprofessional I think. but it could be a great way to make them underestimate me ;)
It's so different to play inside and we didn't have a sub so I had to play all the time. It was so warm and barely any air conditioner so it was really hard so I was not that good, a bit lazy I think ;) But I scored twice so I think it's OK. The game was just 2 times 20 minutes so not that long. I thought we had several games tonight so I tried to save some power but next time I know I don't have to do that. Sadly they scored 7 and we 4 so we lost but this was just the first game of the season with a new team and not a real goalie so I think it's OK. The other team was really good and I think I'll do better next time now when I know how it is.
On my way home I stopped at Safeway to look for a tube to float on in the water. They didn't have any but I bought strawberries instead. U could buy a small package with organic berries for $4 or U could buy a huge package with not organic berries for $4...sorry but I bought the big one!! I wanted strawberries so bad and I knew that the family was having guests so I didn't think there would be any problem.
The family had a BBQ back home and Lindsey and here kids were here too. I took a shower and then joined them. It was jummy but so did the bees think cause they were everywhere. I don't like them. Can't they just stick to honey or whatever.
I like this evening cause I don't have anything special planned and can just be...I like it!!

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

Girls night

Today (Thursday) Filip went to his first meeting with the speech trainer cause of his trouble saying "R". It seemed good and now he has to go twice a week, one time with a American trainer and the other with a German one cause we think that the sound might be similar to Swedish. We'll see how it goes but this means more driving for me cause it's in the morning...well well
The girls watched a movie and then they played nicely by themselves so I could spend some time at the computer.
After lunch, I drove Filip to the LEGO class and then me and the girls went to Grasslawn Park where they played for a while. Yesterday they were at Build a bear so they had their new animals with them and they played a lot with them today.
We picked up Filip and we had brought the fishing equipment and our swimsuits so we went immediately to the beach where we all were on the dock and watched Filip fishing. The girls were swimming for a while but I stayed up cause it was cold!!!
Filip didn't get any fish but there was one Russian guy or sth who got a huge fish. It was some kind of green fish and I think it was about 1 meter, so cool!
We went home to then walk down to meet Lotta at the Mexican restaurant Cactus where we were gonna have dinner. I had a discussion with Sofia that was not very nice and I've noticed that both the kids have big trouble apologizing, they don't know how to.
We also met Jonas and one of his work buddies (I think) and then we had a great dinner together! I love Mexican food!!
After, the rest went to the water front cause there is a outdoor concert every Thursday, but I went home cause I was meeting the girls tonight at M's place. I first went to pick up Anna and I had to stay there for a while cause she wasn't off yet but that's OK cause I like hanging out there.
We had to stop at Target on our way cause I needed birthday presents for Ebba and Axel and of course sth good to eat tonight. Not a TV night without sth jummy ;)
M was cutting Ramona's hair so they were outside when we came. The first I did was to invite them all to Jonas 40 years celebration in the end of August. It's so cool, Lotta and Jonas have rented a mansion in Woodenville where we also can spend the night. We are gonna have a "kräftskiva", a Swedish tradition where we eat crayfish and drinks schnapps ;) It's gonna be so much fun!
Kadda had brought a movie, I already forgot the name ;) It was about a geek who hadn't have a girl and then he goes on vacation and meets a girl. But there is just all this fucked up situations and it was hilarious!!
M gave away some stuff she didn't want anymore so I got back my Reebok shoes I exchanged with her and then I got her Nine West boots..hehe, I'll see if I'll take them home. Depends on how much my bags will weight. Anna showed me her bags that she had tried to pack, it wasn't pretty ;) She needs to send a package. I think I'll just leave stuff here and then hope the family can take it when they'll about a year ;)
In the car back home me and Anna did this creepy thing again. She said the exact words I was about to's so weird but totally hilarious. What the sentence was, I'm not gonna write here cause it was a bit too dirty...;) I just love discussing stuff with her cause we are thinking so similar that U never have to argue ;) We also had the same taste, in a Victoria Secret store on Hawaii we both, at the same time, pulled out a bra and said: "Hey, this is cute!" We both bought it ;) Oh, I'm gonna miss my Anna Gabriel!!!

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My twins turn 21

Today are two HUGE birthdays. They are among the most important in my life and I can't join in the celebration. It's Ida and Elin, my favorite twins who turn 21 today. Happy Birthday to U both and I love U so much!!!
Me and the kids saw the movie "Honey I shrunk the kids" again!! They really like it and it's fine for me if they watch TV cause then I don't have to engage so much ;)
Filip had a appointment at the dentist today, again!! One of the brackets were loose so we needed to fix that. I wonder how many times I need to go there before I go home.
We had to hurry home, but first a stop at Noah's bagel to buy bagels for dinner tonight. At home, I quickly made some noodle soup for lunch and then the girls and me put on swimsuits and then I put everyone in the car and we dropped off Filip at his LEGO camp. Me and the girls, went to the beach since it was sunny and warm today!! There were a lot of people but we were lucky cause a car was leaving so we got a parking spot close so we didn't have to walk ;)
It was so nice there and since there are lifeguards I could really enjoy the sunshine with a lot of tanning and a great book!
We picked up Filip and back home, everyone got a ice cream. I was just tired, cause it's really exhausting working with kids, if u didn't know already ;)
Filip and Helena got to go to QFC and by tomatoes and milk, Sofia always gets jealous but she's too small to go there.
We played Sorry before Lotta and Jonas got home and then we had our salmon bagels and Lotta was taking the girls to Build a Bear and I said that I could take Filip to the beach cause I didn't have any plans and I felt like cool swim would be nice. He bought his fishing rod and wanted to be on the bridge so he tried a couple of times but he weren't lucky. We jumped in the water some times but I'm not so comfortable in deep water so I stayed most of the time up on the dock ;)
After an hour, Lotta and the kids came and the girls wanted to jump in a water a couple of time too so we stayed a little longer before we went home, I took a shower, went downstairs with my computer and turned on the TV and there was: GREASE!! I love it!! A great ending of a day!
Miss U all!
Love Sandra

Not such a fun day

Today (Tuesday) the kids slept pretty long again, which is really nice to me ;) We watched the movie "Honey, I shrunk the kids" and it's a cute movie.
The kids couldn't play together today cause they were just arguing and fighting so we decided to bake a cake. It's not so easy to follow a Swedish receipt here cause the measurements and the ingredients are not really the same so I had to improvise a bit. And in the middle of all we were out of eggs, so we had to pause the baking and me and Sofia went to the store and got some new ones.
The cake weren't as mum's use to be but I hope it'll be good anyway ;) I think my mum has to teach me and show me how to bake and cook. ;)
I drove Filip to the LEGO camp again and now the weather was really nice so me and the kids went to the beach. We went to the place where Sofia jumped from the bridge another day, but today there were lifeguards and then U need to pass a swim test to go out on the deep parts and since she can't swim properly, just "dog swim" Sofia couldn't go on the bridge. I think all these rules are kind of silly. I mean it's good that there are lifeguards cause then I can relax more, but still...can't they say like, U don that on your own risk or sth. I donno, but Sofia was disappointed.
Sofia was not very nice today, at the beach she was all rude and saucy, which is not so unusual, so I drove the girls home and tried to calm down on my way to pick up Filip. I succeeded but after being home a while, Sofia started again and this time I couldn't take it anymore so I sent her to her room and let her be there for over an hour. I'm just so sick of her "queen behaviour" and all the crap she's giving me. I don't know what to do, when I try to tell her she's just laughing in my face and that's the worst thing ever. I'm just so sick of it now.....whatever
The cake we made was good, it didn't taste like it used to but we could eat it ;)
I made dinner for Jonas and the kids, I had a game so I didn't have time to eat. The game was in Seattle and cause of the early game start and all the traffic, we only had 8 people in the beginning but it worked really good. We, or I, scored twice in the first 10 minutes so I think it's better to have fewer player on the field cause then there is bigger space to run and play the ball on. We didn't score again but they did so the final score was 2-1. We won but we, or I, could have scored a couple of times more. I'm just so frustrated with myself that I always makes it so complicated when I'm trying to score. Instead of going around the goalie I shoot right at her....why???
Jen dropped me off at Starbucks in Bellevue cause I needed to meet Catherine and pay her the baseball tickets for the game we are going to in August. The girls were there but me and Anna were going to the movie "A night at the museum 2" in Bellevue Park, so we just stayed as long as we needed. Catherine was of course late so we got crappy seats in the park, just behind some gigantic chairs. We thought of knocking them down...would have been fun ;)
Anna fell asleep, so cute ;) But both of us saw the movie before so it was ok. I was not that fresh since I didn't shower so my sleeping bag smelled not so nice ;)
Anna drove me home and she gave me the funniest of the day: "My host mum was spit by a bider" Totally hilarious!!

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

Monday, again

Today (Monday) the kids slept long after the exhausting weekend so I didn't start working until 9 so that was nice cause I was also tired.
We watched TV until lunch time and today was Filip's first time at his LEGO camp so I drove him there and for the next three hours, I just had the girls. We went to the pool here in Kirkland but I didn't go in cause I thought it was too cold. So I just sat in the sun and finished my book, I didn't like the ending but it was OK.
When we had been there for like 1,5 hour, we had to go home cause it was time for me to pick up Filip. He said the camp was OK but he didn't know anyone so it could have been better. But he told me that they were building with a engine so they could make the constructions move. Today they build a gondola and a car. Sounds fun to me!
Back home, I just gave them some snack and then I had to clean some cause Lotta and Jonas were having guests today which also made them come home earlier than usual so i just worked to 5 which was really nice.
They were gonna have a bbq but I went to Anna's place instead cause we didn't see each other for the whole weekend and we had some catching up to do ;)
She was working until 8 so I just helped her and played some with the kids before we went to Bellevue. There we got sth to eat in the mall and then we went to the Bellevue Downtown park and ate and talked. It was really nice to be with my friend again!!
I drove home early cause I needed to write on my blog and check some stuff before I went to bed. I was so tired, and it's just Monday!!!
Miss U all!
Love Sandra

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Back home

Today (Sunday) we slept pretty long and it had been a nice sleep except that my back was a little upset from the hard ground I guess.
We had some yogurt, that U either drank or ate with a fork ;), and then we packed all our stuff and started the long walk back and again with all our pack. It was hard not to get too much sand in the bags and I guess we'll find sand everywhere weeks from now ;) The sad pat is that now I wont know if it's Hawaii sand or La Push sand I'll find :(
We went to Forks again to have lunch, this time at a Chinese restaurant and yes, they had also sth with Twilight. They had these huge paper dolls of the characters waiting in the entrance. I mean common, it's a Chinese restaurant!
We didn't take the ferry back cause we didn't want to wait for two hours again, so instead we drove south and around the Olympic mountains.
We stopped in Olympia cause we wanted a ice cream, but there were some kind of festival with a little amusement park. The kids got some tickets to go on rides and Sofia went on this "flying mat" by herself and in the beginning she laughed but when it got higher she looked terrified. But when she got down she said it was "Awesome!"
We all went on the spooky train and that was fun! Not that spooky but still...;) There were a lot of food of course and the kids had grilled corn but I just wanted a lemonade and since this is America, u get a one liter lemonade. OMG it was huge!! But I drank it all, took maybe 1 hour ;) We discussed this issue and it's the same when U order a ice cream with this "loose ice cream" with a lot of flavours. In Sweden, U can choose 3 different flavours and U'll eat it. Here I take 2 flavours and have to throw away some in the end. Their portions is huge!!! There is no chance U'll starve here ;)
The traffic was bad from Olympia, back home, so we were home around 8 and after unpacking I had to get out for a while. After this week and weekend with the kids, I needed a break from it all if I'll manage next week. So I went to Wendy's and bought a burger, then went to the baseball field and watched a game. There was this weird man in front of me who first was on his phone. When he hung up, he turned around, smiled at me and said that his brother was getting out of jail tomorrow ;) I was like: "Good for him" ;) He also said that he thought the brother had been there for 6 months but apparently it had been 1,5 years ;) I was like: "OK?" and U wanna share this with me because?...that's the thing with the Americans, they are so open ;)
Back home I was tired but I had to fix my work applications and it took some time cause the documents didn't want to do what I wanted but after some bad words and some fixing, I was done and could go to bed.

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

Monday, July 19, 2010


Today (Saturday) we woke up at around 10 and it was nice to have been able to rest after that exhausting drive yesterday.
The other tent was already up but we met them at this "reception house" where we had breakfast. This camping, which was called "The Lost resort", was located totally in the middle of nowhere and there was nothing to do. Well, there were some great hikes and I'm sure the nature is beautiful, but nothing to do on the camping area. So after breakfast, we took down the tent and put everything back to the car and headed to Forks.
It took maybe 1,5 h to get there and the first thing that we see is the welcome sign we also see in the movie ;)
We parked in the center and walked around with not really knowing where to go. We found a store that had a lot of Twilight stuff (I mean all stores had Twilight stuff but this one had A LOT) and there we got a map over the city and where we could find all the Twilight stuff.
We walked to the school but they had tared it down and were gonna build a new one but we saw the sign and took some pictures.
We had lunch at a place called the Twilight Lodge where the menu was totally Twilight inspired. U could have the New Moon burger, the Rosalie sandwich or the Nakey Jakey ;) So funny and so good!
We wanted some dessert so we went to a sweet shop across the street where the kids got some candy and I took a ice cream. I also bough a bag there which was really cute. It came as a zipper and I had to zip it up and then the bag was created ;) It's pink and so cute, I just needed to have one ;)
We drove to a grocery store to get some food for our camping and then we went off to La Push, the werewolf territory ;) We passed the treaty line where it said: "No vampires beyond this point" ;)
Apparently there was some kind of yearly festival in La Push just this weekend so there where A LOT of people. We couldn't park anywhere close to the La Push beach so we choose the next beach, called the first beach. We had to park the car and then walk about 1 km with all our tents, sleeping bags and other pack so it was a warm and hard walk.
The beach was so beautiful! There were high cliffs out in the water and big waves were splashing up on the beach. we had to climb over a street of trees that had been flushed in to shore by the ocean and it was just so amazing how big and how much trees that laid there.
We put the tents up and the kids jumped in to the water. I can't understand how they could do that cause it was freezing cold! We made a fire and there I spend a lot of the time, warming my feet.
I walked and climbed a long the beach and it was just so peaceful and beautiful. I saw a wale or sth that had been stranded and eaten, not so fresh ;)
We ate hot dogs and also corn that we put in the fire and they were so good!! Then made smores over the fire which was really cozy. The water got lower and pulled back out which uncovered rocks and a way out to one of the cliffs. Me and Filip went there and saw a lot of corals and other reef animals. We didn't have any shoes so it was painful walking on the mussels and pointy stones ;)
There were some other people also camping on the beach so when it got dark, U could see all the fires along the beach, cozy.
Closes to us was a youth gang and they had put up a big pole in the sand (don't know why) and then the kids also did that, and they was cheered on from the camp ;) They also had some fireworks/bombs but they were nice and warned us first before they shot it. It was really loud! I thought there would be a landslide after that ;)
There was supposed to be fireworks at the festival and someone told us that we would be able to see that as well, but sadly the forest was in the way so we just saw the sky light up in all different colour. But that was nice too ;)
We went to bed after that and this time I had Sofia and Helena in my tent. They also did great and soon we all slept heavy. But we got woken up by another bomb and then some fireworks. I almost went outside to yell at them but I was too tired, and I didn't wanna get more sand in to the tent. Otherwise I would have gone ;)

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

Off to Forks

Today (Friday) me and the kids started slow (cause I was tired ;)) with a movie. We saw Enchanted which is a really cute movie and then it was lunch time. We made pancakes and Filip and Helena helped me with the making since I suck on it ;) I know, it's sad but true. Then it's good that I have such a big help in Filip, and this time also Helena.
After lunch, the kids played and I cleaned and did some laundry and packed my bag cause today we were going camping over the weekend in Forks. I was really excited since I'm a Twilight fan but I didn't have so high expectations cause I've heard that it's not much to see. But still it's gonna be cool to be able to say that I've been to Forks!
I packed the kids in the car and went first to Anna's place cause I needed to borrow a sleeping bag, and then we went to Microsoft and picked up Lotta and Jonas.
We drove for about 40 min or so to Edmonds where we had to take a ferry over to Kingston. The only problem was that A LOT of others also wanted to take the ferry so we needed to wait for maybe 1,5 h before we could get on!
While we were waiting we saw a seal! He just came swimming bye when we ate our hot dogs and he was so cute, I always think they look so sad. I wanted him to jump and do some tricks but he didn't.
I did a blunder when we went on the ferry, I said to Lotta: "Hey, we are really close to the water!"...well, we are going on a ferry, it's supposed to be close ;) Sometimes I scare myself ;)
We wanted to walk on the ferry but we weren't allowed to walk where the cars drove, as we thought, so a guard had to take us up a stair and then open the door to the walk entrance...oops!
The Stendahl's were also supposed to join but they couldn't go as early as we so when they reached the ferry line, it was even longer than when we came, so they didn't want to wait. But we were still in the line so we told them to drive up front and then we left a space where they could come in. People didn't look very happy but whatever, thought we. When we came up front there was this police who directed the traffic and he talked really long with the Stendahl's and finally he sent them away. Apparently people had told him that they had gone in in front and that was not popular ;) Well, well...
We continued our trip and they said they would try tomorrow morning again. The ferry took about 20 minutes and it was sunset so the colours were really nice and the mountains were like shadows in the sky. So beautiful!
Then we drove, and we drove, and we drove and yes we drove. We had not made a reservation on any camping so everywhere we tried, it was full. Sometimes we had to drive really far in to the woods to then drive the same way back cause they had no open space.
Once, we got pulled over by the police cause he thought that Jonas had been drinking ;) Apparently he was going all over the road but after smelling his breath (kind of easy test) he gave us some suggestions of camping.
We ended up driving to the place longest away and at around 1 am we put up our tents in complete darkness and just threw in our sleeping bags and fell asleep. It was nice to stretch out after sleeping in the car, I felt like The Hunchback of Notre dame ;)
I shared the tent with Filip and Helena but it was OK cause everyone was tired and fell asleep immediately!

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

Friday, July 16, 2010


Today I got up at 7 to take Filip to the dentist, I felt like a zombie ;) Jonas and Filip went to the dentist yesterday cause apparently, they thought it was on Wednesday even though I had written in the calender on Thursday. I wasn't awake so I couldn't stop them, so I had to go today instead.
It went fine, this time he choose the American colours, red, white, and blue, and it looked really nice. Dr Lund (hot!!) showed me a picture that was taken on Filip's teeth before we started with the braces and U can't believe it's the same mouth. They have changed and moved so much in such a short period of time it's kind of creepy but great!
Back home, the girls were doing some arts and craft and I went to pick up in my room and do some laundry before we all put on swim wear and went to the beach. This time it was another one so we took the car cause it's further away. There was not so much people and the beach was still in the shadows but I took a spot in the sun, opened my book while the kids went to the water. I thought it was too cold so I didn't go in today, but I was fine in the sun ;)
Also now the kids behaved well and after 2 hours we went home happy and I made lunch for us.
Lotta came home around 2 to get Filip to a speech trainer to see what they said about his pronunciation problem, specially with the R sound.
Meanwhile, I took the girls to Grasslawn Park again where they played for a couple of hours and I red some more of my book ;)
When Filip and Lotta came home Lotta stayed so I did some arts and craft with the girls and we also had a ice cream. When Lotta had to get Jonas from work, I was on the computer and the kids were playing but this time a little bit too noisy and messy, not so fun. And I was tired after this long day so I was in a very bad mood.
Finally Jonas got home and we could have dinner, at 7 which means that I today worked for 12 hours!!! Bahhh!!!
I took a quick shower before I went to M's place where me and the girls created a blog where everyone of us are gonna do monthly updates, when we are back home, so that we can see and follow what happens. A great way to stay in contact with each other after this year. It turned out really well, there's just some small stuff to fix but I think it a great idea and it's just perfect.
Now I have to call my mum cause I had got a letter from the university I applied for. I already know that they accepted me, but I'm gonna say now since it starts the 24th of august, when my year is over here. It's too late, I just wanted to see if I could get in ;)

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

ps. In two months I'll be on Swedish ground!! ds

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The zoo

Today (Wednesday) I had decided that we were going to the zoo. I were there last week with Anna and her boys but I wanted to go with my kids as well and now when Helena is here it could be fun for her too.
So I packed a big lunch and a lot of water, I had the sunscreen and band aid with me so I felt prepared....;)
Of course Filip was all whiny about how boring it was on the zoo and that he didn't want to go, he wanted to be home...bla bla bla. But I just said get in to the car and this time I remembered to tell Filip to bring his DS and the girl a book or sth so that they would be calm in the car. And it worked!!
At the zoo the kids were so great and Filip was really excited about anything so I think he was glad that he didn't stay home.
One cool thing with Microsoft is that U get sth called a Prime Card and can get tourist stuff (and in a lot of great stores) cheaper. So now I paid $5 instead of $16 per like! ;)
We started with the African part and saw zebras and giraffes on the savanna and then we worked through Asia with the elephants and monkeys and all other cool animals. The kids were really good and interested. They asked me all kinds of stuff about all animal and I felt really important and good when I could answer the most of them ;)
It's really nice to walk around here at the zoo cause there is so many plants and trees surrounding the walking path, that it feels like you're in a jungle. And it also gives a nice shade so even in a sunny and warm day like today, U can enjoy spending a day at the zoo.
At around 11, we stopped for lunch and I had made some sandwiches for us and then the kids had some chips and cookies. Jum jum! And also here the kids behaved really well and talked and was nice to each other, I was so proud ;)
We went to the reptile house where we saw all the snakes and crocodiles and the girls were really scared ;) One cool thing was that we saw a small tree snake who tried to catch a fish in the water. We were fascinated by it and stood there for maybe 10 minutes before we went on. So cool! The kids actually got to pet a snake which they were so proud of, but they washed their hands a couple of times afterwards ;)
Since the kids behaved so well, they got some ice cream. Well, Sofia and Helena took ice cream while Filip choose a soda instead. They had deserved it!
After the tropical rain forest and the bears and eagles we had seen it all and went home. We spend around 4 hours at the zoo so the kids (and me) were exhausted when we got home. But it was so warm and sunny that we just put on our swim suits and walked down to the beach.
It takes about 15 minutes to walk but it's so worth it. It's a real beach with good sand and there is also a beach volley ball field and a playground, so there are other stuff for the kids to do than to swim.
Filip and Helena took the swim test here as well so they were allowed to go out on the deck and jump in the water. I went with Filip once but I'm a bit scared so I only jumped once ;)
It's not as at the beaches in Sweden. Here is always a life guard and they have a rope about maybe 5 meters out in the water and to pass that (if U are young) U have to take a swim test to show that U are able to swim. And, at 6 the lifeguards are leaving so they tell everyone that the beach is closed and no one is allowed in the water anymore. What!! But as soon as they are gone, people go in the water anyway. Can't they just say that "Hey, now U swim at your own risk" or sth. Kind of ridiculous...well well
At 6, Jonas and Lotta came and me and Lotta went across the street and bought some burgers for our dinner. We had it at the beach and it was so nice cause it was still warm and the sun was beginning to set behind Seattle.
When we were at the zoo earlier today, I got a call from that Austrian au pair, Patricia (not how she spells it) and asked if I wanted to see a movie tonight. I was really surprised but happy that she invited me so I said yes.
At 8 me and Anna (yes she's always with me ;)) met up with her, and that other au pair I saw at the pool yesterday, at QFC here in Kirkland. We went to Patricia's brother who lives here in Kirkland since 2 months and is working for Microsoft. It was a really nice apartment but we couldn't watch the movie immediately cause he had a projector and the sun was still to bright. But that was an excellent excuse to get to know each other.
Patricia is only going to be here for 8 weeks over the summer and the other girl for two months so they are just the light version of us ;) They were all really nice but sometimes they talked Austrian which neither me or Anna understood...but we could some German ;)
There was also another guy who joined us later, a friend of Patricia's brother.
We saw a movie that I don't remember the name of but it was really fun ;) Afterwards, me and Anna wanted to leave cause it was kind of late and we were tired, but the other guy was like: "U don't have to leave just because the movie is over. Stay and talk!" So...we sat down again and talked, for maybe an hour but then we said that we REALLY had to go and so we did ;)
It was a nice evening and it's always fun to meet new people, always good to know someone in Austria..or? ;)

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

The wild things are at the pool

Today (Tuesday) I walked with the kids down to the Marina park here in Kirkland, just by the waterfront, cause M had told me about these kid's concerts they had there every Tuesday. I just needed sth to do with the kids and it was OK. In the beginning, they were like: what's this? It's boring...bla bla bla. But then in the end they were dancing almost in the front.
Meanwhile, I spoke with M who was there with her kids and the weather was nice so it was a great way of starting the day.
We walked back home and had lunch and then the kids played by themselves a while before we all went to the pool. I had spoken with a mum of a friend of Filip and Sofia and they were supposed to be there too. This was great, even though it was a bit cold and not that sunny, the kids had a blast in the pool. Helena and Filip took a swim test so they could be at the deeper end of the pool and use the jumping board, while I played with Sofia in the more shallow water.
Then Filip played with Christopher and Sofia with Helena so I got to just sit in the sun and read my book ;) I met Christopher's and Elise's au pair who came here two weeks ago from Austria. I knew that she would come cause the mother of the kids had told me, and she was really nice. There was also another au pair but I didn't get the chance to talk to her.
We went back home after maybe two hours and the kids took a shower while I cleaned up the mess we had left behind in the kitchen.
Tonight, I had a soccer game so I didn't stay for dinner. I only lightened the grill cause they were having a BBQ, tempting to stay ;)
We played at Mercer Island and me and Jen were a bit early and wanted to use the bathrooms. There was some construction work so there were only Honey buckets to use and they were FULL!!! So disgusting, but if U have to go U have to go...juck!
We didn't get a full team until maybe 10 min in to game time but the other team were also missing players so it was OK.
The game was not that good, they weren't good but we didn't manage to score. They didn't play good soccer, just kicked the ball away as soon as they got it and after a lucky free kick, they led by 1-0 at halftime. I felt pretty good though and had some nice runs but that last pass didn't work for me today, so frustrating! We manage to get a goal in the last minute, I had the assisting pass, so 1-1 was the final score.
One girl asked me if I would be interested of going to Victoria, Canada to play a soccer tournament. That would be so cool but the thing is that it's on the first weekend of September and then I'm traveling with Kadda. Plus that my VISA has expired by then so I can't get back in the US. It would have been fun though.
Back home, I took a quick shower, grabbed a blanket and two sleeping bags and drove to Bellevue Downtown park where the outdoor movie is. Tonight it was "Where the wild things are" and me and Anna snuggled up on the blanket in our sleeping bags with some candy ;)
It was hard to see cause it was still a bit bright and the colours in that movie are just too dark. But there was sound so we could hear, and I saw the movie before so it was OK. It's a good movie but a little weird.

I was so tired during the movie, that I almost fell asleep ;) So back home I rushed to bed to get some hours of sleep. It's tiring having to work the whole day now when I'm used to be off during the day. There is never room for a nap ;)

Miss U all!

Love Sandra

Monday, July 12, 2010

Strawberry and peach pie

Today was the first time of work for me in three weeks, this time with three kids and of course it was raining. Panic!!! But it was OK.
I woke up and had breakfast with the kids and then they watched TV and played by themselves really well. Sofia wanted to go to Jasmine so I took her there and she was home so she could play there for a couple of hours. This made it easier for me cause now I only had two to look after ;)
Me and Helena baked a strawberry and peach pie. I've never done it before and to be honest, I'm not very good in baking, but I had my mum's receipt so it went fine. The only thing was that I couldn't ind any potato flour to sprinkle over the berries so I mixed flour, butter, sugar and vanilla and put over...whatever!
It looked really good but we tasted it first after lunch and when Sofia was back and it was delicious. I'm proud!! And it was so easy and baking is a great way to activate the kids, well at least Helena ;)
For lunch we had noodle soup AND Mac & Cheese cause I asked Filip and Helena what they wanted and they said both and as the nice au pair I am, I made them both ;) Took me about 5 minutes ;)
When we were done eating, I packed a little bag with some drinks and snacks, and then put everyone in the car and drove to Grasslawn Park in Redmond. The kids were crazy and loud in the car so it was nice to just let the kids run around while I concentrated on my book ;)
We were there almost three hours and I was really cold but the kids weren't, even though they were soaking wet from running in a water fountain ;) But finally I got them in the car and they were as crazy and loud before.
Sofia and Helena stayed outside and played while Filip played some computer games and then we played Sorry together. He won :(
During dinner the kids were very loud and silly but we came up with a solution for the car problem. Sofia made me one green, one yellow and one red card that represent three warnings. First I'll show the green if someone is not listening to me and then yellow for the second time and then red for the third and last warning. The one who gets a red card doesn't get a ice cream in the evening, or another punishment. I'll try that next time cause if it doesn't help I'll not take them somewhere anymore.
Jonas and Lotta also got to taste the pie, and the kids got to taste the strawberry cake, I brought home from Anna's yesterday, so we had a nice meal together.
I took a shower after dinner and now I'm just in my room thinking of what to do. I got to know today that Lotta is team Edward!!! After seeing the Twilight movies, and we are going camping in Forks this weekend so I'm happy. Hopefully I'll run in to some vampires ;)

Miss U all!
Love Sandra

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ride the Ducks

Today the kids woke me up, everything is back to normal ;) It was around 7 but I manage to fall back to sleep until the damn crows, that apparently has a meeting every morning outside my window, started to chat. Aarrgghhh!! If I only had a gun!!
Another thing was that Sofia burst through my door, without knocking, while I was still in bed. I'm like what?! She had found the present she had for me from Sweden. It was a little plastic "smurf" figure. So cute!! I showed them the show "The Smurfs" before they left and told them that I watched it a lot when I was a kid and Sofia remembered this and saw this little angel in a store and bought it for me. So sweet. But still: Knock before U enter!!!
I had a great breakfast, no one was in the house ;) And then I watched the first half of the world cup final. Go Spain!!
Anna picked me up and we went to Seattle to go on the tour Ride the Ducks. It's a car/boat that shows U Seattle from the roads and from Lake Union and during the ride U should make a fool out of yourself by screaming and waving at complete strangers on the side walk. It was fun and U get these whistles shaped like a duck beak and U actually sound like a duck as well.
We met up with the au pair group and we were about 20 people which was cool. Anna is not in my au pair organisation but I brought her anyway, she hasn't taken this tour either so.
We got a crazy captain that had a lot of hats, kind of weird and not so funny....well well the tour was great and the best thing was when he drove the "dunk" in to Lake Union and we could see the Seattle skyline with the space needle on the other side. There were also two pirate ships on the lake today cause of a sea fair or sth, and one of the ships is actually in Pirates of the Caribbean. It's the Lady Washington that gets the title HMS Interceptor in the movie. It was really cool to see and the captain said that those ships rarely came here to Seattle and that we were lucky. They also shot their canons at each other, for a show or sth, but that was really lucky that they would do that just when we were on the lake. Just awesome!
We also got to see the famous floating house where the movie Sleepless in Seattle took place. Pretty cool huh?! ;)
After the tour that took a bit over 1,5 hours, me and Anna walked to down town and checked in some stores. We bought a doughnut that was jummy and then we went back to Anna's place. There was a lot of people and we helped with dinner while the kitchen was getting build ;) It was fun and the grandma was so nice and then Todd's (Anna's host dad) brother and girlfriend came and they were all funny and really nice. I got to try my cake that I made yesterday and it was jummy!! It doesn't matter that the layers were uneven, it was still great!
Afterwards, Anna drove me home and now I'm just finishing up my blog before I'll turn out the light and prepare for a first day of hard work in weeks...wish me good luck!

Miss U all!
Love Sandra