Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Busy days!!

Yesterday was a bit hectic! I was near to have my first mental breakdown and it involves a car =)....let me start from the beginning. Yesterday was Filip's and Sofia's first day at school and both were pretty excited about it. We all went together because Lotta and Jonas wanted to be there the first day in school and also because I didn't know the way =)
It takes about 10 minutes to get to the school and me and Lotta went to leave Sofia at her new class, and I think it's a great class with a very good teacher. Jonas left Filip at his class. One thing, that's different from Sweden is that the students have to bring all their materials by themselves. Like paper, pencils, notebooks etc. and unfortunately we had missed Filip's stuff so I had to go shopping on my own for my first time....excited!! I was dropped off by the store "Bartell Drugs" (Really a suspicious name but it was a great store. Something like coop in Sweden, they have about everything) And I got everything on Filip's list and dropped it off at school. He was really happy about that.
When I got home, me and Olle went to a mall because he had to bye a sweater for his wife. And I drove for the first time!!! It wasn't that bad that I first thought but it was different.
I bought a magazine and became a member at a bookstore. Don't ask me how but now I have 10% off every time I shop there...will be useful hmm.
At 3:30 it was time to pick up the kids to immediately go to the dentist who has her office in Woodinville that is outside Kirkland. I didn't know where but I got the GPS so it wouldn't be any problem. Oh, my dear GPS stopped working after a while and I didn't know where we were or how to fix it. I felt the stress rise in me and if being lost wasn't enough my sweet kids had decided that not let us have a quite nice ride to the dentist =)...but as Judith said in New York: take a deep breath and say to you self: "I can do this, I can do this" Thank you Judith!
I took a turn in to a gas station, called Lotta who said it was just to log in on the GPS again, turned the car around and went to the dentist. Maybe we got there a little late, but so what? We made it, and the children got their teeth examined.
But the stress wasn't over. When we were done we had to hurry to get to Filip's soccer practice back in Kirkland. This time it went much better even though we were little late to soccer, but the children were nice and I didn't felt so bad either. Over all, an OK first drive with the children =)
The soccer practise was held in a park and I've been signed to help the coach, apparently I know something about soccer =). It's being held every Tuesdays and Thursdays and it's for boys in Filip's age (8) I'm looking forward to help but it's gonna be exhausting I think. I mean 10-12 eight year olds? They have a lot of energy =)
One more thing happened yesterday, Lotta and Jonas were in a car accident. But no one was seriously hurt, just the car. It's on reparations for this week so now we only got one car, the SAAB.
Today, Sofia was free from school because they split the class and took one half yesterday and the other half today. So after we went with Filip to school, it was just her and me. First we were in the house, colouring and waited for Olle to get home. Today was his last day here and we wanted to say goodbye before he went.
Then we packed our bag, Sofia took here own and a great eagle got the privilege to come with us ;) We went to the park and there we bought something to eat and drink at Starbucks (where else ;) and sat down on the grass and red a book. We also kicked some ball and Sofia climbed at the playground. Before we went back home we went to QFC ( a grossier store) and bought some milk and butter. Back home we painted some more and just hanged until it was time to pick up Filip who ended at 2 today. They do that every Wednesdays.
I made Noodle soup for them, it's their favourite, and then me and Filip build one of his LEGO models he got for his birthday, and Sofia made my hair pretty. Today I cooked pasta carbonara and manage not to ruin anything =)...maybe I was just lucky...haha
To day Catherine, my area director, was here and we just went through some papers and she wanted to know that everything was now I have more paper to read!! i don't know when to...I also have to apply for school but I find it a bit hard. Maybe I'll go to the collage tomorrow and see if they can help me.
Well I guess this was it for now.

I miss you all.
Love Sandra

1 comment:

  1. Sannerligen en hektisk inledning - hoppas att det lugnar ned sig något, och att du får ett bra år med mina härliga syskonbarn Filip och Sofia!

    Själv landade jag för ett par timmar sedan, 18 timmar blev resan Kirkland-Göteborg dörr till dörr...
